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Condé Nast Verlag
Brand System
Vogue, AD, The New Yorker – where luxury, fashion, style and culture are the focus, Condé Nast has been a style influencer. For millions of consumers, in every global market, for over 100 years.
This poses a challenging question: how to develop a unified corporate design matching the media company’s stylistic demands while also underscoring the individuality of its strong media brands.
Our concept is as simple as it is effective: the magazine names themselves are showcased as the publisher’s sounding boards and together now form a visual brand system as unique as that of the publisher’s individual brands.
The publisher uses this system successfully today, applying it across various communication levels.
Design Strategy: Brand Strategy, Visual Communications
Project Partner: Robert Wreschniok, Head of TATIN Design Enterprises, Munich
TATIN Design Enterprises GmbH | Kirschgartenstrasse 7 | 4051 Basel, Switzerland | + 41 61 261 60 37 | Mail
TATIN Design Enterprises GmbH | Kirschgartenstrasse 7 | 4051 Basel, Switzerland | + 41 61 261 60 37 | Mail
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